Call for AbstractsFrench on the move and on the margin(s) For its annual conference in 2025, the AFLS is pleased to be hosted by UCLouvain, on the Saint-Louis site in Brussels, in collaboration with the University of Antwerp. Given the unique linguistic and cultural situation of Belgium and Brussels, the conference will focus in particular on the diatopic variation of French – particularly on the margins of the Francophonie –, the contact between languages, the link between language and society and linguistic evolution. Invited speakers:
The following themes will be addressed:
Any contribution dealing with one or more of these themes as well as any aspect of the theoretical or applied linguistics of French is welcome. You are invited to submit a paper proposal, in English or French, for:
Anonymised proposals for papers must be written in the language in which the paper will be presented, and submitted (deposits in the left-hand column) no later than 15 January 2025. Proposals for individual papers are limited to 300 words + references. Panel proposals are limited to 300 words + references per speaker. Please indicate the proposal of each speaker in this format: speaker 1, abstract, references; Speaker 2, summary, references, etc. A panel proposal will therefore include all the interventions.
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